Friday, November 30, 2012

Super Beautiful and Cheerful Bedroom Design and Decoration

Nothing is more relaxing then stepping into a beautiful bedroom. What exactly is a beautiful bedroom you ask? A beautiful bedroom to me is one that is De-cluttered first of all, looks and smells clean and has the perfect bedding ensemble. The bedroom is always my main focus in my home. Then I continue on to the bathroom, kitchen, living room, etc. Many people focus more on the living room or family room and totally neglect the bedroom. The living room and family room are considered to be important because that is where we mostly spend our time with our guests. This is somewhat true but why neglect the bedroom? I have stepped into many homes that are extremely gorgeous, that is until you step into the bedroom. Absolutely horrifying! Laundry thrown across the room, shoes everyone, dusty furniture and sheets that are old and worn out. How can they sleep in there or let alone be any romance? The bedroom is the room where we look for security, privacy and most importantly, comfort. Let us turn this nightmare into a dream come true!

1. First start by picking up all the clutter. Throw away any clothes or objects that you do not need. I bet half of what we have in our closets we don't even wear. We have them their to make our closets look fuller. This only takes up space and we will not have enough room to store new and updated clothes. Do something great with the clutter you don't need, give it to a local charity or salvation army. I know it can be hard to let go of a lot of things but lets think of it this way, you will be giving it away to someone who really needs it and be getting a beautiful bedroom and some romance in return.

2. Next get a mop, broom, dust rag, vacuum and start cleaning. Don't forget to dust under the rugs and window blinds. This is where we pick up the most dust.

3. Finally, get rid of that old bed set and bring in a brand new duvet bedding set and decor. Light some scented candles and hang a couple of drapes on the window panels and enjoy a beautiful bedroom once again.

There are the pictures of the bedrooms. The bedrooms are so cheerful and beautiful. Do you believe that super beautiful and cheerful bedroom can make your day become really fun? Alright, the appearance of  the cheerful and beautiful bedrooms are so importance for life. Because the appearance of super beautiful and cheerful bedroom give nice and fresh sensation and atmosphere around the bedroom. Actually, the colors of these bedrooms are so colorful, so they can get cheerful sensation. After that, the appearance of the bedroom give special combination design, such as the colors and furniture design have balance idea. You can build the window in the bedroom in order to you can enjoy the fresh air and view from out there.

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